Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
Children are an important part of the life and ministry of
Fern Creek United Methodist Church. Just as Jesus received, accepted
and blessed children, so we seek to do the same. Our ministry with
children seeks to establish each child’s faith in a Christian community that
is loving, caring, forgiving, and reconciling. We strive to help children
dream, hope, and believe that with God’s help all things are possible and
they can make a difference in this world. Because we feel that a child’s
spiritual growth is a family responsibility as well as the church’s, we rely
heavily on parent volunteers in all area of Children’s Ministries.
Ways to get Involved:
Children’s Worship…
Children’s Worship is offered during both the 9:00 a.m. Contemporary service and the 11:15 a.m. Traditional service. We invite our pre-school and elementary aged children to attend the praise and worship portion of either service with their parents. After which, they will have an opportunity to participate in a service focused towards their age group. The children’s worship leaders will meet the children at the back of the Sanctuary and guide them to the designated room where they have the opportunity to share in Bible-based stories and activities with an emphasis on faith. Parents of children who attend are asked to pick them up from the designated room immediately following the close of the worship service. We also would like to encourage you to be a volunteer helper with Children’s Worship.
Sunday School…
All children are encouraged to participate in classes where our faith is
shared through biblically-based stories and activities. Classes are available
for all ages through fifth grade.
Child-care for infants and toddlers (through age 2) is available throughout the morning during Church School and worship hours and for most special events.
Children’s Sermon…
On most Sundays during the morning worship service, the children are invited to come to the front of the sanctuary for a message prepared specially for them.
Beyond Sunday Mornings…
Other children’s activities include the annual Easter Egg Hunt, Trunk or Treat, Vacation Bible School and Cub Scouts. We also sponsor the Parents’ Day Out (PDO) program on Mondays and Wednesdays. For more information on any of our children’s programs, please call the Church office. For more information regarding our Children’s Ministry Team click here.